Monday, July 1, 2019

Pickle and Peanut (Werewolf Transformation) and Breadwinners (Snake/Monster Transformation)

Time for a post on silly cartoons. First up, Pickle and Peanut, whose werewolf episode (season 2, episode 5) must be one of the goofiest things I've posted lately. Briefly: Peanut is envious of a Teen Wolf knockoff, so Pickle fools him into thinking he's become a werewolf. Then the real werewolf attacks and bites Pickle, who bites Peanut. Ever seen vegetables transform into werewolves before?

Next up, Breadwinners (which we've posted about before). In this entry (Season 2, Episode 3, "Bad to the Duck Bone"), the older duck decides to become a bad boy to impress the duck he's in love with, and after turning evil he decided to become even more evil and transforms into a snake monster.

Note: I decided to try using Streamable to host this clip. If you have problems viewing it, please let me know.


Kumaguma said...

Wait, I thought peanuts are fruits since nuts are fruits and pickles are made from cucumber which would also make them fruit?

Apuleius said...

Technically you're absolutely right on both counts, but cucumbers are colloquially referred to vegetables.