Monday, July 1, 2019

"The Outer Limits" and "Virtuosity" (Age Regression and Replication)

Both of these clips were found and suggested by Ian Ricky. I'll let him provide the introductions.

The first clip is from the TV show The Outer Limits S02E04, "Last Supper."

"Dr. Sinclair overdoses himself with a woman's mutated blood, which is believed to be anti-aging and bring immortality. His transformation is both immediate and violent as he's wracked with convulsions, but also becomes visibly younger. However, the transformation doesn't halt, and he  regresses continually going from a young man to teenager to child until he's little more than an infant lying confused and helpless on the floor. The baby then dissolve into a puddle of raw cells on the floor as he becomes unborn (the young & hot version of Dr. Sinclair is played by Scott Vickaryous).

The second clip is from the feature film Virtuosity (1995) and also has a "rebirth" theme. "A virtual reality killer called SID 6.7 (Russell Crowe) transports himself to the real world by replicating himself using the raw material of silicon." He quickly grows a coat of flesh. (Note: this clip is dubbed).


Anonymous said...

Want more, more, more, more age transformation horror sequences just like from "The Outer Limits" 'Last Supper'. Find dozens or almost a million more like (Last Supper) "The Outer Limits".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Scott Vickaryous in The Outer Limits!!!

Anonymous said...

I wanna see some more age transformations, sort of similar to (The Last Supper) in Outer Limits. Post many more of those please.

Anonymous said...

We want a plenty more like from The Outer Limits - The Last Supper!!!

Anonymous said...

If Scott Vickaryous was not retired and is still acting he might like to play a couple of roles in couple of dark, horror/sci-fi Lovecraftian films about "AGE MUTATIONS" or "AGE OF TERROR" some sort, much more horrifying than he did in 'The Outer Limits' episode Last Supper.

Anonymous said...

Indie movie industries ought to make bunch of dark, horror/comedy movies like "Progression Terror", "Aggression Teen Into Elder Horror" and stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

Indie movie making productions really should do millions of special make-up FX horror Lovecraft films that involves a lot of painful, physical aging body transformations, for real, they should.