Monday, July 1, 2019

"SharkMan" and "Creatures From the Abyss"

This pair of fish-themed transformations was suggested by Ian Ricky. "SharkMan Transformation Test - Man turn into a Street Shark" is exactly what it claims to be:

Here's the VFX breakdown.

For a slightly higher budget but much cheesier fish creature film, look no further than the horror feature Creatures from the Abyss (original title Plankton, 1994). One of the sleazier characters (played by Michael Bon) transforms into some kind of mutated fish monster (Argyropelecus) while making love:


Anonymous said...

It does not work...

Apuleius said...

Ian Ricky's original YouTube account was deleted, so many of his videos were lost. Ian has a new YouTube account and is adding his old videos to it, so there's a good chance "Creatures From the Abyss" will return someday.