Monday, July 1, 2019

"Tales From the Crypt" and "The Flash" (Monster, Muscle Growth, and Caveman Transformations)

Two more comics to enjoy. Our first selection is from issue 5 of Tales From the Crypt--not the original classic comic from the 1950s, but rather the 2008 revival of the series. In the story "Kid Tested, Mother Approved!" we meet Jimmy, a boy who doesn't feel like eating his usual breakfast, much to the alarm of his parents and teachers. They sit him down and try forcing him to eat, which just annoys him. When the principal's back is turned...

Evidentally the cereal kept Jimmy from turning into a monster grown-up. Order is eventually restored after Jimmy gets tranquilized. On the final page Jimmy is at a new school, but trouble is in the air:

Moving on...our second item is from The Flash #243, but it's actually a back-up story starring Green Lantern, who runs into some nasty aliens with de-evolutionary powers. Soon he finds himself becoming the Green Caveman:

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