Saturday, October 31, 2020

Art Round-Up 10/20 (Various Transformations)

Time for another stroll through the wide world of transformation art and webcomics available online. Since this update is happening on a full moon on Halloween, there will lots of werewolves involved! (But plenty of other beasties too, no fear.)

Let's start with a collection of werewolf art found on Twitter:

"Werewolf Studies/Theories" by RAPArt11

"Feast of the Wolf Moon" by LitterboxComics

"Randy" by JonesyDearest (My thanks to Joey Liverwurst for the these three links)

A wolf transformation sequence by STAR_ZANS

The mid-TF piece "Werewolves Should Avoid Magic" by HansFaffing

A strange kind of panda-werewolf by Vuorienpeikko

Time for a break--here's a dragon TF sequence by aosagi_jpeg

Okay, back to werewolves. Here's an amusing "Ruff Night" by Suspicio_us

Animation of a transforming head by alpaca__cute

Thanks to Vanzilen on our Discord server for recommending this transformation sequence by BeatrizRebolloM

That's all for twitter. Here's a transformation test animation by seandobbin_art on Instagram, recommended by Pareidolon on Discord. 

And now we move on to Furaffinity. 

"Just Walking the Dog(?!)" by AllTheWrongPieces

"Midnight," a palindrome comic by Rozdziawke (scroll below the picture to see next pictures, to the left of "Main Gallery")

"Lunar Surprise" by Sniperoftython (who also drew this "Werewolf Commission")

"African Wild Dog TF" (NSFW) by Rovak

"Pizza Delivery Wolf" (NSFW) by MaryManifold

"Time for a Change" & "TfC Part Two" by Silverclaw

"Test Serum" (NSFW) by RTF-M is both a transspecies and transgender (MtF) TF comic--links to the following pages are below the image. 


In case you're getting tired of werewolves, here are some other species for you!

"B.O.W. on request" by MonsterGirlsHideout involves a lizard-man. Scroll down and left of "Main Gallery" for the next pages.

"Barn & Daze" (NSFW) by AlabasterLion is multi-part donkey tale. Links to the other pages are given below the image.

"Horseboy Begins" (NSFW) is a metafictional comic involving you can guess what by HoRsEb0Y and PinklePickle. Links are below the comic image. 

"Hoofing It" (NSFW) by Dragonmassiel involves a donkey

"A Wild Streak" (NSFW) by Demitri012 and Mousehawk involves a kitty

"Sketch Days 2020 September 10th" (NSFW) by Otherworlds involves a horsey


Now for a pair of webcomics!

"Highschool Bites" features a werewolf among its main protagonists. He transforms in Chapter 7 ("Things Get Furry") and reverts in Chapter 9 ("Safety First"). He quickly transforms at the start of Chapter 26 ("Name Calling") and reverts in Chapter 28 ("Playing Doctor"). 

The premise of the webcomic "My boyfriend turned into a dinosaur" is explained by its title. In Chapter 12 the boyfriend transforms from a humanoid dinosaur to a full one when his girlfriend is attacked (his final form is seen in the next chapter).  In Chapter 17 he clams down and reverts to humanoid dinosaur form. 


In this section of the Round-Up we're featuring several comics that aren't freely available and must be paid for to view. Regarding paid material, our policy is to recommend only material that we have viewed and can personally vouch for.  

In a previous post we mentioned the webcomic "Ask the Werewolves." A new issue is now available and can be purchased here. The story involves the couple going out on a stressful date that causes Duran, the male partner, to transform and find "relief" in the restroom. If you want to purchase issues 1-3, here are links:

Issue 1       Issue 2       Issue 3


The next comic we recommend is more homoerotic and comes from Agatha Hart. "By Moonlight" is about a werewolf trying to hide from the moonlight until his sweet human boyfriend gives him assistance transforming. You might have seen censored pages of this comic posted on Ms. Hart's Furaffinity account, but here is your chance to purchase a complete uncensored pdf of chapter 1. 


We conclude by switching to written TF. 

DesirD has asked us to let readers know of his "Werewolf of Las Vegas series". The link is to their Furaffinity folder, but the stories began life at and can be read by going to the author's profile page and reading upward from "Werewolf of Vegas."

Last but never least, TC Lin, one of the first and very best TF writers, has brought his classic stories involving BIPOC men back to Furaffinity. You can read them here

1 comment:

Baby Cow Soup said...

Great blog I enjoyedd reading