Saturday, October 31, 2020

Welcome to our update! The full moon is on Halloween this year, so you might be too busy transforming into a werewolf while trick and treating to go through all 28 of our new posts. But they'll be here after you change back again! Unless otherwise credited, each post is by Kumaguma, though Apuleius edited everything (and is therefore responsible for all errors!). Thanks to everyone who sent in their suggestions--we didn't get around to fulfilling all of them, but that's what the next update is for. Enjoy this one in the meantime. And have a very spooky Halloween!  

Postscript, November 7: Our congratulations to the President Elect! We're so happy we're promising the next update will happen on or before Christmas!


IJCD said...

can i join to your discord?

Kumaguma said...

Here is a link:

Anonymous said...

That update was outstanding with some hot, inspired stuff!! Maybe even the greatest of all since I follow this blog (almost 10 years!). Congratulations!

Apuleius said...

We're delighted to hear that! The honor is mostly Kumaguma's! Thank you for being a longtime reader.

Anonymous said...

Shark tf are too rare :