Saturday, October 31, 2020

Marvel's Spiderman: Maximum Venom (Rhino Reversion and Transformation)

In episode 4 of season 3 Spider-Man and his team manage to revert a rhino-human hybrid back to human form. It is only temporary,  since he soon transforms back into a rhino:

Our thanks to Metabee17 for pointing out that in the next episode the Lizard (aka Dr. Kurt Connors) returns and Norman Osborn becomes the Dark Goblin (after getting symbiote poured all over him). Osborn had promised to cure Dr. Connors's transformations if Connors helped him become the Dark Goblin. Connors fulfilled the bargain but Osborn betrayed him. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hail the lizard, rhino and werewolf in spideman works.