Saturday, October 31, 2020

Fixed Links!

Broken links have been a recurring annoyance during the decade we've spent running this blog. YouTube is in perpetual flux; videos and accounts are deleted right and left while rights holders change their minds every minute about what they will and won't allow people to upload. Some have good sense--they allow shot clips to stay but prohibit the uploader from monetizing them. That's fine with us, because we have never made money from this blog and never intended to. But many rights holders have no sense at all--they will block brief clips that have been online for years and served as useful free advertising for their product.

Anyway, as you can see there are many broken video links on this blog. On occasion we try to fix them, but our minds are usually on future updates. So if there are any specific links you would like to see fixed, let us know. In the meantime, here are five restored video posts, each a blast from the past.

Update Time and Growing Pains (Werewolf Transformations)

Mickey Mouse Playhouse and Toon Marty (Werewolf and Dog Transformations)

Teen Titans GO! (Werewolf Transformation)

Adventure Time (Werewolf Transformation)

The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy (Werewolf Transformation)

Pyaar Ki Ye Ek Kahaani (Werewolf Transformation)

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