Saturday, October 31, 2020

Yo-kai Watch Jam - Yo-kai Academy Y: Close Encounters of the N Kind (Dog Transformation)

Apuleius here, bringing you several scenes from episode 33 of this recent anime (妖怪学園Y 〜Nとの遭遇〜). The series has not yet been subtitled, so we have to guess what's happening. From what I can see, a boy tells his schoolfriends that he thinks he's a werewolf. Another friend drops by and shows everyone a hamburger she's bought has an egg on the patty. The perfectly round and full moon-shaped egg causes the boy to transform...but not exactly into a werewolf... 

This isn't the first time that a Japanese show/game/movie has decided a round object can make a werecreature transform just as easily as the full moon. Also, since a dog is just a domesticated wolf, isn't a weredog just a domesticated werewolf? Discuss amongst yourselves. 


Kumaguma said...

Wait, if his clothes ripped off when he turned into a small dog? Reminds me of that KND episode with the weredogs.

Apuleius said...

Haha, I'm guessing the animators wanted to draw an old fashioned werewolf transformation, either because it was more fun or because it further built up the joke of the "werewolf" turning out to be a lapdog (even if the clothes ripping was ultimately illogical).

Anonymous said...

Aw, cute doggo.

Anonymous said...

???: I've got your name .