Saturday, October 31, 2020

Project Power (Monster/Muscle Growth Transformation)

Apuleius here, with a scene from a feature film released this year. I don't know anything more about it, but in this scene a bad guy ingests something that turns him into a lumpy muscle-bound giant that somewhat resembles the Hulk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it would be much if this could've been done in all practical effects instead of adding a bunch of cgi. In fact, they really need to make hundred-millions of (Body, Flesh, Muscle Growth) horror movies that suppose to be done in all handmade practical special makeup effects, air bladders effects, animatronics effects, and all prosthetics effects. Write letters to hundreds of Indie Filmmakers and ask them to make a hundred-millions of (Muscle Growth Body Transformation) Practical Effects movies.