The December update is now complete. 10 new items have been added since Sunday.
I didn't get around to posting everything I wanted, such as the many comics I have backlogged, but those will appear in the next update, which should be in mid-January (if I have lots of free time after Christmas, I might post one or two items). So if you suggested something that didn't show up this time, my apologies--I'll get to it! In the meantime, enjoy the new stuff. Youtube has become rather unpredictable, so please let me know ASAP if any of the videos get taken down. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
P.S. There's a full moon on Christmas, so if you transform and run amok, make sure you wake up indoors!
P.P.S. Shadowlord Inc. just updated as well, so make sure to check the many fresh goodies over there!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Tiger and Wolf (Werewolf and Weretiger Transformations)
Here's a slightly strange movie: Tiger and Wolf (2013) seems to have been inspired by the Twilight craze, since the story involves lots of shirtless high school hunks turning into werewolves and weretigers (which are part of Thai folklore). But despite what you're about to see, most of the movie is live-action--only the parts involving werecreatures are animated. Now, on one hand that's an interesting way to cut costs. One the other, the animation looks like it was made in two hours on the director's mac. Nevertheless, it's an interesting experiment. Towards the end, you can see one of the live action characters shift into his animated counterpart.
Crying Wolf (Werewolf Transformations)
This very cheesy werewolf film was released earlier this year. As you can see, the special effects are a combination of cheap CGI and even cheaper costumes, but I give the filmmakers credit for going to the effort of portraying several werewolf transformations. I've edited together the first transformation scene, a later scene of a group of characters transforming (NSFW--there are lady boobs on display), and a reversion scene toward the end.
The Changing Times Podcast
For the first time I'm going to write about something that isn't a movie, TV show, comic, or book.
Changing Times is a podcast that's all about transformations. As proprietor Cheasy Dino states, it's "a project to create a more sociable atmosphere for transformation enthusiasts." It's goal "is to bring the transformation community together, as well as share our interests." The podcast features interviews with artists, writers, and various other members of the TF community. Past guests have included Dragoniade and Arania, and our friend Dutchbull will be appearing soon too.
And now I have joined their company. Last fall I had the pleasure of being interviewed for the podcast, and you can now listen to the results. I'm not sure if you want to hear me ramble on for an hour, but please support the podcast and give some of the other episodes a listen. My thanks to Cheasy for a very enjoyable interview and for helping to create stronger ties in the transformation community.
Changing Times is a podcast that's all about transformations. As proprietor Cheasy Dino states, it's "a project to create a more sociable atmosphere for transformation enthusiasts." It's goal "is to bring the transformation community together, as well as share our interests." The podcast features interviews with artists, writers, and various other members of the TF community. Past guests have included Dragoniade and Arania, and our friend Dutchbull will be appearing soon too.
And now I have joined their company. Last fall I had the pleasure of being interviewed for the podcast, and you can now listen to the results. I'm not sure if you want to hear me ramble on for an hour, but please support the podcast and give some of the other episodes a listen. My thanks to Cheasy for a very enjoyable interview and for helping to create stronger ties in the transformation community.
Scream Street (Werewolf Transformation)
Scream Street is a claymation/stop-motion animated series from the BBC, based on a popular set of children's books. The main character is a werewolf. From what I can tell, the same transformation sequence is re-used in most of the episodes, so here's its first appearance, in episode 2.
Werewolf Transformation 7 by blackjack60
Werewolf Transformation 7 by blackjack60
Concrete Revolutio & Zatch Bell (Jaguar Transformation and monster transformation)
Thanks to Daymon for alerting me to episode 10 of the anime Concrete Revolutio. I have no idea what's going on this clip, but the Jaguar-man is pretty cute:
As a bonus, here's another find by Daymon--a clip from episode 147 of Zatch Bell, showing a little monster turning into a much bigger one:
As a bonus, here's another find by Daymon--a clip from episode 147 of Zatch Bell, showing a little monster turning into a much bigger one:
Monday, December 21, 2015
Robinsons Drinks (Age Progression Transformation)
This juice commercial is true to its title: "They Grow Up Fast." And it's very well edited!
I wish the transformation between the early adolescent and rebellious teenager had been shown, but I can't complain about anything else.
Robinsons TV advert 2015 - They Grow Up Fast from McKenzie Rudolphe Films on Vimeo.
I wish the transformation between the early adolescent and rebellious teenager had been shown, but I can't complain about anything else.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Monster Transformation)
Thanks to Mike for recommending this clip from a Marvel Comics TV show. I'm not familiar with the material, so all I can say is that in a character turns into a spiky, hulking monster called "Lash."
In the next episode (season 3, episode 7), Lash transforms again:
And for those who like reversion scenes, he reverts to human form here.
In the next episode (season 3, episode 7), Lash transforms again:
And for those who like reversion scenes, he reverts to human form here.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Rat and Monster Transformations)
The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon was full of transformations, and Daymon recommended featuring three of them. Putting aside from the mutation scene in the first episode, there's also...
Vernon's rat-man transformation:
The Turtles' secondary mutation into monsters:
Michelangelo's later, even better mutation into a nastier-looking monster--keep watching until you're past the 1:30 mark: Leonardo undergoes a similar transformation several minutes later. And here's a bonus--the anthropomorphic transformations of the Punk Frogs!
Michelangelo's later, even better mutation into a nastier-looking monster--keep watching until you're past the 1:30 mark: Leonardo undergoes a similar transformation several minutes later. And here's a bonus--the anthropomorphic transformations of the Punk Frogs!
Momo Kyun Sword (Monster/Muscle Growth Transformation)
In the last Transformation Round-Up I featured a muscle-growth gif (found by Daymon) from an unknown anime and asked if anyone knew what show it from. An anonymous commenter, following on a tip left by the aptly named "Ms. Helpful," found the source.
It's from the anime Momo Kyun Sword and features a demon who becomes stronger whenever he eats women's panties. Here's the clip--there's further muscle growth toward the end:
Muscle growth fans should make sure to watch the other videos on this excellent channel!
It's from the anime Momo Kyun Sword and features a demon who becomes stronger whenever he eats women's panties. Here's the clip--there's further muscle growth toward the end:
Muscle growth fans should make sure to watch the other videos on this excellent channel!
Guardians of the Galaxy (Racoon Monster/Muscle Growth Transformation)
Thanks to Daymon for the following discovery: in the ninth episode of this Marvel comics cartoon, the brother of Rocket Racoon undergoing a Hulk-style transformation.
One Punch Man (Monster/Muscle Growth Transformations)
Edit: I'm re-dating this as a "new" post since the original video was taken down shortly after I originally embedded it, and I didn't get around to finding a replacement until now.
Thanks to Daymon for suggesting the first episode of this anime parody of the superhero genre.
The clip below should explain itself:
Far23 also discovered that a Lion boss in a later episode undergoes some muscle growth of his own.
Thanks to Daymon for suggesting the first episode of this anime parody of the superhero genre.
The clip below should explain itself:
Far23 also discovered that a Lion boss in a later episode undergoes some muscle growth of his own.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Hemlock Grove (Werewolf Transformation)
Update time! To be honest, I didn't get to upload everything I planned for this update, but I plan on making a few short updates later this month (expect lots of comics!). In the meantime, enjoy the new material, much of which was sent in or suggested by readers.
We begin with Hemlock Grove--the first episode of the third (and final) season has yet another skin-ripping transformation. I've already made clear that I'm not fond of that method of metamorphosis (by over-emphasizing gore it skimps on the rest of the process) but I know some folks would like to see it. Keep in mind that the special effects budget seems to decreased this season, so this TF is not as convincing as the show's first (which can be seen, along with the later TF scenes, at Dutchbull's site).
On a related note, our friend Ogrebear came across this Brazilian video made for Hemlock Grove's promotional campaign. It's supposed to be prank video, though I bet the bystanders were really actors.
We begin with Hemlock Grove--the first episode of the third (and final) season has yet another skin-ripping transformation. I've already made clear that I'm not fond of that method of metamorphosis (by over-emphasizing gore it skimps on the rest of the process) but I know some folks would like to see it. Keep in mind that the special effects budget seems to decreased this season, so this TF is not as convincing as the show's first (which can be seen, along with the later TF scenes, at Dutchbull's site).
On a related note, our friend Ogrebear came across this Brazilian video made for Hemlock Grove's promotional campaign. It's supposed to be prank video, though I bet the bystanders were really actors.
Gladiators of Rome (Minotaur Transformation)
Thanks to the anonymous reader who suggested this 2012 Italian animated feature, which has a surprisingly well-done and dynamic Minotaur transformation (especially for a computer animated film--characters are usually stiffer than in 2D cartoons).
Werewolf Roundup (Werewolf Transformations)
Some howlingly good lycanthropic discoveries from Daymon:
Link (from the Legend of Zelda) has turned into a wolf/werewolf a couple of times, but his most memorable transformation is from the manga of a Link to the Past.
Lycanthrope Leo was one of the first modern manga to be translated for American audiences. Technically Leo is a were-lion, but he's easily mistaken for a werewolf, and hey, he is a lycanthrope. His first metamorphosis starts here.
More manga, with a proper werewolf this time, from Ch. 21 of Cat Paradise.
From the 1987 anthology cartoon The Comic Strip, here's episode 3 of Mini-Monsters, "Adventures at Camp Mini-Mon." The wolfman character is permanently transformed, but during the full moon he gets a bit wolfier.
A fake commercial, titled "Side Effects." The shift happens 30 seconds through.
A transformation from the manga Battle Angel Alita (Vol. 02. Ch. 01).
For Halloween the pug from the Men in Black animated series (season 2, episode 6) transforms into a werewolf (technically that makes him a dogwolf, except the werewolf is anthropoid--forget about the terminology).
Thanks again Daymon!
Here are two last last items--a short animated film on Vimeo (the transformation is at the 0:20 mark) and a neat little wolfman gif.
Link (from the Legend of Zelda) has turned into a wolf/werewolf a couple of times, but his most memorable transformation is from the manga of a Link to the Past.
Lycanthrope Leo was one of the first modern manga to be translated for American audiences. Technically Leo is a were-lion, but he's easily mistaken for a werewolf, and hey, he is a lycanthrope. His first metamorphosis starts here.
More manga, with a proper werewolf this time, from Ch. 21 of Cat Paradise.
From the 1987 anthology cartoon The Comic Strip, here's episode 3 of Mini-Monsters, "Adventures at Camp Mini-Mon." The wolfman character is permanently transformed, but during the full moon he gets a bit wolfier.
A fake commercial, titled "Side Effects." The shift happens 30 seconds through.
A transformation from the manga Battle Angel Alita (Vol. 02. Ch. 01).
For Halloween the pug from the Men in Black animated series (season 2, episode 6) transforms into a werewolf (technically that makes him a dogwolf, except the werewolf is anthropoid--forget about the terminology).
Thanks again Daymon!
Here are two last last items--a short animated film on Vimeo (the transformation is at the 0:20 mark) and a neat little wolfman gif.
Panic at the Disco: "Emperor's New Clothes" (Demon Transformation)
Thanks to the anonymous reader who suggested featuring this music video and wrote "the whole video is basically an artsy demon transformation." Indeed, and the make-up is pretty impressive.
If you want to skip to the TF, that starts at the 47 second mark.
If you want to skip to the TF, that starts at the 47 second mark.
Transformation Round-Up (Various Transformations)
All of the following transformations were discovered by Daymon, our resident TF sleuth-hound.
A gnarly lion-monster transformation from the anime Flame of Recca (episode 24). The character gets even more monstery in the next episode.
A caveman TF from Totally Spies (Season 3, Episode 23: "Head Shrinker Much?").
Here's a cartoon I remember from growing up in the 80s: Tiger Sharks, which ran as part of an anthology program called the Comic Strip. The characters were humans who could turn into marine animal hybrids. In this clip from the first episode you see Walro going walrus, and then, after a few seconds, Mako becoming a man-shark. In the next episode, Lorca turns into--well, you can guess from the name.
From the first episode of another 80s show, Galaxy High School, a bulldog turns into a two-legged dog-man.
In episode 24 of The Men in Black cartoon, Agent K turns into a well-muscled rock humanoid at the 6:05 mark.
More for the muscle-growth fans: a bulking-up from the film Heavy Metal.
And one more treat for muscle-growth fans--a scene from the 2006 cartoon Biker Mice From Mars (Season 4, episode 3; "The British Invasion"), wherein mouse-man Stoker transforms into a feral rat-like monster when exposed to sunlight. The scene begins at 1:06 and continues past the opening credits, with a reversion at 11:08.
A humanoid-dragon morph from the manga Kajika by Akira Toriyama.
A dinosaurian TF from the manga Animal X (Vol.01 Ch.02 "Aragami no Ichizoku").
No update would be complete without a NSFW entry, and this one is from a doujinshi called Saimin Sennouen, which has two transformation scenes. In the first (starting here) a man has a bear mask placed on his head, which transforms him into a metaphorical bear and then a literal one. In the other story, a guy is turned into a Minotaur/bull (the artwork's by Nojo).
Daymon was also curious if anyone knew the source anime of a certain muscle-growth gif.
If you enjoyed these clips and scans (you'd be crazy if you didn't!) please thank Daymon!
A gnarly lion-monster transformation from the anime Flame of Recca (episode 24). The character gets even more monstery in the next episode.
A caveman TF from Totally Spies (Season 3, Episode 23: "Head Shrinker Much?").
Here's a cartoon I remember from growing up in the 80s: Tiger Sharks, which ran as part of an anthology program called the Comic Strip. The characters were humans who could turn into marine animal hybrids. In this clip from the first episode you see Walro going walrus, and then, after a few seconds, Mako becoming a man-shark. In the next episode, Lorca turns into--well, you can guess from the name.
From the first episode of another 80s show, Galaxy High School, a bulldog turns into a two-legged dog-man.
In episode 24 of The Men in Black cartoon, Agent K turns into a well-muscled rock humanoid at the 6:05 mark.
More for the muscle-growth fans: a bulking-up from the film Heavy Metal.
And one more treat for muscle-growth fans--a scene from the 2006 cartoon Biker Mice From Mars (Season 4, episode 3; "The British Invasion"), wherein mouse-man Stoker transforms into a feral rat-like monster when exposed to sunlight. The scene begins at 1:06 and continues past the opening credits, with a reversion at 11:08.
A humanoid-dragon morph from the manga Kajika by Akira Toriyama.
A dinosaurian TF from the manga Animal X (Vol.01 Ch.02 "Aragami no Ichizoku").
No update would be complete without a NSFW entry, and this one is from a doujinshi called Saimin Sennouen, which has two transformation scenes. In the first (starting here) a man has a bear mask placed on his head, which transforms him into a metaphorical bear and then a literal one. In the other story, a guy is turned into a Minotaur/bull (the artwork's by Nojo).
Daymon was also curious if anyone knew the source anime of a certain muscle-growth gif.
If you enjoyed these clips and scans (you'd be crazy if you didn't!) please thank Daymon!
muscle growth,
Ferals (Werewolf Transformations)
I gave up on this comic after finding no transformations in the first several several issues, but Far23 persisted and sent me these pages from the final issues (17-18). The scans are in Spanish.
Thank you Far23!
Thank you Far23!
Rick and Morty (Monster/Muscle-Growth Transformation)
Thanks to Jesse for suggesting this scene and to Serpentstooth for locating the video. It's from season 2, episode 10. Trying to put it in context would just be futile, so enjoy.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Update postponed
EDIT: Thanks for all your supportive comments. The update is set for 9am (pst) Nov. 7!
Sorry to disappoint you guys, but you're probably used to it by now...
I'd hoped to update the blog before Halloween, but that's not going to happen. I've been under the weather for the past few days and later this week I have to attend an out-of-state wedding (not my own, don't worry). So the update won't happen until after the first weekend of November. It would have been nice to have it on Halloween, but I suspect there will be more material if I wait another week. In the meantime, keep in mind that Dutchbull has scheduled an update for Oct. 31.
Sorry to disappoint you guys, but you're probably used to it by now...
I'd hoped to update the blog before Halloween, but that's not going to happen. I've been under the weather for the past few days and later this week I have to attend an out-of-state wedding (not my own, don't worry). So the update won't happen until after the first weekend of November. It would have been nice to have it on Halloween, but I suspect there will be more material if I wait another week. In the meantime, keep in mind that Dutchbull has scheduled an update for Oct. 31.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Fall Update
It's update time! Apologies for my absence. I know I promised two updates in September, but this will be the only one. However, it consists of 15 entries, which is a bit more than usual. This will also be the last update until late October, since I'm taking a vacation overseas next week. While I'm gone, make sure to check out Dutchbull's site, which updates Oct. 1, and Shadowlord Inc., which has just updated.
For this update I'd like to thank all the readers who sent their suggestions, especially Daymon. I ran out of time and had to postpone a few posts (including one on Doraemon) , but I think you'll agree that this update has plenty of good stuff!
Note: this post originally contained a video from an anime titled Call Me Tonight. However, the video was taken down by Dailymotion, and then Daymon informed me that Dragoniade had long ago uploaded the video to Shadowlord Inc under the title Pink Noise. So I urge you to watch that version instead and forget about my abortive effort. My apologies!
For this update I'd like to thank all the readers who sent their suggestions, especially Daymon. I ran out of time and had to postpone a few posts (including one on Doraemon) , but I think you'll agree that this update has plenty of good stuff!
Note: this post originally contained a video from an anime titled Call Me Tonight. However, the video was taken down by Dailymotion, and then Daymon informed me that Dragoniade had long ago uploaded the video to Shadowlord Inc under the title Pink Noise. So I urge you to watch that version instead and forget about my abortive effort. My apologies!
Klaw (Tiger, chicken, horse, goat, dog, bull, and pig transformations)
Klaw is a French comic drawn in a semi-manga style. It's the story of a teenager who finds out he can change into a tiger-man.
Let's start with the first tiger transformation, from Vol. 01. It's a bit underwhelming, but read onward:
Here's a better TF scene:
The next page shows the hero testing his powers:
Now we move on to Vol. 02. Here's a scene of the hero and his mentor reverting and transforming into their tiger forms:
Another short tiger TF:
Later we meet an elderly Asian man who can change into chicken dude:
In Vol. 03 the hero stumbles upon a dying friend and reverts to human form:
Then he absorbs his friend's goat transformation powers:
A partial tiger TF:
Followed by a tiger-horse-goat!
Later on, our costumed hero goes from anthro-goat form to full horse:
The next pic is only for foot and hoof fetishists!
Let's move on to Vol. 04. Here's a classic tiger transformation:
Followed by a sudden pig TF:
Then we get a horse TF and reversion:
Our last scans come from Vol. 05. Here's a guy turning into a dog-man:
And here's a gangster becoming a bull:
The scans from Vol. 04 and 05 were from different sources and had to be reassembled by me, so forgive their choppiness.
Last but not least, if you're intrigued by this comic, Vol. 01 will be translated into English next year, so keep an eye out for tiger-men in a comic shop near you!
Let's start with the first tiger transformation, from Vol. 01. It's a bit underwhelming, but read onward:
Here's a better TF scene:
The next page shows the hero testing his powers:
Now we move on to Vol. 02. Here's a scene of the hero and his mentor reverting and transforming into their tiger forms:
Another short tiger TF:
Later we meet an elderly Asian man who can change into chicken dude:
In Vol. 03 the hero stumbles upon a dying friend and reverts to human form:
Then he absorbs his friend's goat transformation powers:
A partial tiger TF:
Followed by a tiger-horse-goat!
Later on, our costumed hero goes from anthro-goat form to full horse:
The next pic is only for foot and hoof fetishists!
Let's move on to Vol. 04. Here's a classic tiger transformation:
Followed by a sudden pig TF:
Then we get a horse TF and reversion:
Our last scans come from Vol. 05. Here's a guy turning into a dog-man:
And here's a gangster becoming a bull:
The scans from Vol. 04 and 05 were from different sources and had to be reassembled by me, so forgive their choppiness.
Last but not least, if you're intrigued by this comic, Vol. 01 will be translated into English next year, so keep an eye out for tiger-men in a comic shop near you!
The Art of Ferchoburton (Various Transformations)
Ferchoburton is one of my favorite new transformation artists. His specialty is photo-manipulation, which is notoriously tricky, and his recent photomanips are among the finest I've seen, thanks to the smooth and detailed morphing, which is most evident in the natural-looking snouts and claws. Lately he's been expanded his range of species with continually impressive results. Ferchoburton is his own model as well, and his expressions and poses demonstrate are vividly dramatic. You'll need a Furaffinity account to view his gallery, but that's free and easy to obtain.
While looking at his gallery, take note of his most recent werewolf pics. They're the result of a trade with yours truly. In exchange for them I'm writing Ferchoburton a transformation story--the first draft is done, and I'll start revising it after I finish this update!
While looking at his gallery, take note of his most recent werewolf pics. They're the result of a trade with yours truly. In exchange for them I'm writing Ferchoburton a transformation story--the first draft is done, and I'll start revising it after I finish this update!
Zombillenium V.3 (Demon Transformation)
This is a follow-up to my earlier post about Zombillenium, a French comic (bande dessinée).
The Zombillenium is a theme-park populated and run by supernatural creatures. As you might remember, in Volume One a human named Aurélien was transformed into a demon and joined the park's staff. There were no transformation scenes in the second volume, but the third makes up for that. Note: these scans are in Polish.
First the demon tf:
The next page is a reversion scene:
Several pages later, Aurélien gets upset:
That panicky werewolf is rather cute...
The Zombillenium is a theme-park populated and run by supernatural creatures. As you might remember, in Volume One a human named Aurélien was transformed into a demon and joined the park's staff. There were no transformation scenes in the second volume, but the third makes up for that. Note: these scans are in Polish.
First the demon tf:
The next page is a reversion scene:
Several pages later, Aurélien gets upset:
That panicky werewolf is rather cute...
Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor (Monster Transformations)
Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor (2005-6) is part of the long-running Guyver franchise, which encompasses the source manga, an earlier anime, and a couple of live-action films. They all involve people getting turned into freaky animalistic monsters called "zoanoids."
Daymon suggested this series and volunteered to go through it for TF scenes. He came back with a truckload of material, and I can't thank him enough for his time and effort. Please give him a hand for this Herculean effort.
I decided to provide cued links to the episodes, rather than embedding them, because blogspot and youtube often mess up time cues if you embed the same video multiple times at different cues. Anyway, on with the show!
The first transformation from the first episode. Another TF occurs just a few seconds later.
The second episode has several people turning into bat-like beasts:
* Scene One
* Scene Two
* Scene Three
These are followed by transformations from:
* the third episode
* the fourth episode
* the fifth episode (the camera starts whirling around during the tf)
* the sixth episode
* the ninth episode
* the tenth episode
* the eleventh episode
Episode 13 splits its transformation scene. Here are the first and the second parts.
Episode 14 gives us a "zoalord" transformation while episode 16 has another moth-monster TF.
In episode 17 we get a quick tf followed by a scene of townspeople being transformed.
There's another quick TF in episode 21, and in episode 17 we see the Prime Minister transforming on TV, followed by stills of people transforming all over the world, and then a scene in the White House.
We close with the final TF, from episode 25.
Thanks again Daymon!
Daymon suggested this series and volunteered to go through it for TF scenes. He came back with a truckload of material, and I can't thank him enough for his time and effort. Please give him a hand for this Herculean effort.
I decided to provide cued links to the episodes, rather than embedding them, because blogspot and youtube often mess up time cues if you embed the same video multiple times at different cues. Anyway, on with the show!
The first transformation from the first episode. Another TF occurs just a few seconds later.
The second episode has several people turning into bat-like beasts:
* Scene One
* Scene Two
* Scene Three
These are followed by transformations from:
* the third episode
* the fourth episode
* the fifth episode (the camera starts whirling around during the tf)
* the sixth episode
* the ninth episode
* the tenth episode
* the eleventh episode
Episode 13 splits its transformation scene. Here are the first and the second parts.
Episode 14 gives us a "zoalord" transformation while episode 16 has another moth-monster TF.
In episode 17 we get a quick tf followed by a scene of townspeople being transformed.
There's another quick TF in episode 21, and in episode 17 we see the Prime Minister transforming on TV, followed by stills of people transforming all over the world, and then a scene in the White House.
We close with the final TF, from episode 25.
Thanks again Daymon!
Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend (Fox Transformation)
Mythic Warriors was a Saturday morning cartoon retelling of Greek myths bowdlerized for children. Daymon suggested posting a scene from episode 8, "Odysseus and Circe." As everyone familiar with The Odyssey know, Circe is the enchantress who transformed Odysseus's sailors into pigs. This cartoon adds something new to Homer: Circe partially transforms Odysseus into a fox (presumably because Odysseus has the craftiness of one):
There's also a quick reversion scene of the sailors turning from pigs to humans.
There's also a quick reversion scene of the sailors turning from pigs to humans.
Wounded (Werewolf Transformation)
Wounded is a handsome and well-made short film about a raid gone wrong and a suspect gone lycanthopic. Subtle use is made of the limited-budget special effects.
Mondaiji (Tiger Transformation)
Technically the full name of this anime is Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu Yo?
Anyway, Daymon tracked down a brief but exciting tiger transformation in episode 2:
Mondaiji Tiger Transformation Scene by kumaguma1
The video should start at the 8:51 mark.
Anyway, Daymon tracked down a brief but exciting tiger transformation in episode 2:
Mondaiji Tiger Transformation Scene by kumaguma1
The video should start at the 8:51 mark.
Epic: Days of the Dinosaurs (Dingo Transformations)
Epic: Days of the Dinosaurs is an obscure Australian animated feature film from 1983. The story involves two feral children who were raised by dingoes and eventually transform into them to replace their parents. If I more time I'd make screencaps, since the transformation is well-done but too fast.
The video should be cued to the 58:00 mark. I learned of this film from a post at the Process forum by Bro4man, so the credit's his.
The video should be cued to the 58:00 mark. I learned of this film from a post at the Process forum by Bro4man, so the credit's his.
Producing Parker (Werewolf Transformation)
In episode 12 (season 2) of this Canadian cartoon, Simon overdoses on "man pills" and turns into wolfman. This clip was not only suggested by Daymon, but also edited by him. Many thanks!
Static Shock (Werewolf Transformation)
Here's an oldie but a goodie from the 90s animated series. Technically the character is a mutant--or, since "mutant" has racist connotations in the DC comics universe, a "metahuman"; the Static Shock cartoon avoided both terms and called them "bang-babies--but we'll just pretend he's a werewolf.
Static Shock Werewolf Transformation by kumaguma1
Thanks to Daymon for suggesting this.
Static Shock Werewolf Transformation by kumaguma1
Thanks to Daymon for suggesting this.
Xiaolin Chronicles (Lizard Transformation)
Episode 14, "Heylin Within," shows junior hero PingPong drinking a potion and transforming into a lizard that seems to be a sort of monstrous chameleon. Go to the 11:00 mark.
Re: Hametora (Lion Transformation)
Daymon uncovered a lion transformation (complete with great clothes-ripping) in episode 4 of this anime.
Re:Hamatora Beast Transformation by kumaguma1
Re:Hamatora Beast Transformation by kumaguma1
Le Collège Invisible V.11 (Werewolf Transformation)
This is a follow-up to my earlier post about Le Collège Invisible, which is a french comic (bande dessinée) about teenagers attending a school for
magic. The hero's best friend, Thomas, is a werewolf, and in volume 11 we see him transform again:
Note: this scan is in Polish.
Note: this scan is in Polish.
The Venture Brothers (Hulk Transformation)
Thanks to Daymon for alerting me to a hulk-parody transformation in this popular Adult Swim action-comedy, taken from the episode "All This and Gargantua-2". The TF occurs at the 30 second mark in this video, which is hosted on the Adult Swim site. If it doesn't work in your region, go here and scroll to the 38:12 mark.
Here is a video added by me, Daymon, for the broken links:
Here is a video added by me, Daymon, for the broken links:
Anime (& other Japanese stuff) Round-Up (Monster, demon, wolf, tiger, gorilla, and snake transformations)
Enjoy some TF sightings from the land of the rising sun:
Aaron reports a muscle-growth/clothes-bursting scene from episode 47 of Toriko.
Daymon reported the following seven entries:
* From episode 7 of Samurai Flamenco, a drug-dealer who turns into a cyborg gorilla with a guillotine in its chest. Thanks Japan.
* Two transformations from Bleach: a wolfy dream transformation from episode 310 and a villain reveals his monster form in 311.
* Dr. Slump features the character Tsukutsun Tsun, who transforms into a tiger whenever a girl touches him. His first transformation is in episode 90. The video is a low visual quality Catalan dub.
* Episode 16 of Tokyo Maijin has one character turning into a shadowy giant snake-like monster--a several seconds later his opponent turns into giant luminous tiger.
* From episode 96 of Hunter x Hunter 2011, a monster transformation.
* Episode 5 of the new Ushio and Tora series has a quick demon TF.
* Magetsukan Kitan is a manga, and in Vol. Ch. 6 we're introduced to a werewolf who transforms when he gets sexually aroused. Start reading here -- you can stop at page 22, when he reverts to human form.
Continuing with "other Japanese stuff," reader Dash Master 48 reports on monster transformations in the live action Kamen Rider Gaim, which involve a rider eating a fruit that turns him into a plant hybrid monster in episode 14. The first TF is at the very beginning, with rest at the 09:41 and 17:10 marks.
We conclude with an inquiry from a reader named Henry, who wonders if anyone knows what show this clip is from. If you know, do tell--I'm hoping the original footage is slower.
EDIT: An eagle-eyed anonymous user found the source. It's from a new anime called Bureau of Proto Society and can be seen at the 05:24 mark of the show's trailer.
Aaron reports a muscle-growth/clothes-bursting scene from episode 47 of Toriko.
Daymon reported the following seven entries:
* From episode 7 of Samurai Flamenco, a drug-dealer who turns into a cyborg gorilla with a guillotine in its chest. Thanks Japan.
* Two transformations from Bleach: a wolfy dream transformation from episode 310 and a villain reveals his monster form in 311.
* Dr. Slump features the character Tsukutsun Tsun, who transforms into a tiger whenever a girl touches him. His first transformation is in episode 90. The video is a low visual quality Catalan dub.
* Episode 16 of Tokyo Maijin has one character turning into a shadowy giant snake-like monster--a several seconds later his opponent turns into giant luminous tiger.
* From episode 96 of Hunter x Hunter 2011, a monster transformation.
* Episode 5 of the new Ushio and Tora series has a quick demon TF.
* Magetsukan Kitan is a manga, and in Vol. Ch. 6 we're introduced to a werewolf who transforms when he gets sexually aroused. Start reading here -- you can stop at page 22, when he reverts to human form.
Continuing with "other Japanese stuff," reader Dash Master 48 reports on monster transformations in the live action Kamen Rider Gaim, which involve a rider eating a fruit that turns him into a plant hybrid monster in episode 14. The first TF is at the very beginning, with rest at the 09:41 and 17:10 marks.
We conclude with an inquiry from a reader named Henry, who wonders if anyone knows what show this clip is from. If you know, do tell--I'm hoping the original footage is slower.
EDIT: An eagle-eyed anonymous user found the source. It's from a new anime called Bureau of Proto Society and can be seen at the 05:24 mark of the show's trailer.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero (Monster Transformation)
Update Complete! I'm not sure when the next update will be, since things are about to get very busy, but expect at least two next month, because I've still got lots of stuff in the pipeline. Thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions!
Moving on to our flagship video...this is a transformation smorgasbord from episode 15b. The title character is transported to a Victorian world and drinks a potion that turns him into a Mr. Hyde monster (which is also a version of the show's recurring villain) whenever he gets impatient. Penn turns back to normal whenever he laughs. The transformations have been beautifully animated, and the glories of 2D stretch-and-squash animation are on full display.
Monster Transformation by blackjack60
Moving on to our flagship video...this is a transformation smorgasbord from episode 15b. The title character is transported to a Victorian world and drinks a potion that turns him into a Mr. Hyde monster (which is also a version of the show's recurring villain) whenever he gets impatient. Penn turns back to normal whenever he laughs. The transformations have been beautifully animated, and the glories of 2D stretch-and-squash animation are on full display.
Monster Transformation by blackjack60
Fresh Beat Band of Spies (Werewolf Transformation)
This is a very stupid kid's show, but episode 7 ("Werewolf Hairwolf") features a barber who transforms into a werewolf and invents a hairspray to infect his clients. I've edited the transformations together. Embedding didn't work with the host site, so watch it here.
Avengers Assemble (Hulk Monster/Demon Transformation)
Thanks to Daymon for informing me of an unusual transformation on top of a transformation, from season 2, episode 22 ("Midgard Crisis"). Hulk is turned into an even more muscular demon or monster, complete with mane and long bone ridges.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Berserk (Monster/Demon Transformation)
Another find from Daymon, from Berserk, episode 6: an orc-like monster goes demonic. I have a feeling there are more transformations to be found in this show..
Various Transformations...and housekeeping
* I would normally put this in a "Werewolf Roundup" post but there aren't many werewolves in this update, so here's a short video Daymon found called The Lone Wolf. Very quick skin-ripping transformation, but the actor is cute:
* I updated the videos for Young Justice and Kutsal Damacana 2. The earlier videos were either low quality or dead. Muscle-growth fans will enjoy YJ; folks who like bizarre werewolves might enjoy KD2.
* Courtesy of Max Vang, here's a multi-arm transformation from Xenia: Warrior Princess:
* Vanzily has found more transformation scenes from the manga Kurozakuro--I've added them to the original post.
* Transformation writer T.F. Wright wishes to inform readers that he has written two stories and an ebook that involve male age progression.
* I updated the videos for Young Justice and Kutsal Damacana 2. The earlier videos were either low quality or dead. Muscle-growth fans will enjoy YJ; folks who like bizarre werewolves might enjoy KD2.
* Courtesy of Max Vang, here's a multi-arm transformation from Xenia: Warrior Princess:
* Vanzily has found more transformation scenes from the manga Kurozakuro--I've added them to the original post.
* Transformation writer T.F. Wright wishes to inform readers that he has written two stories and an ebook that involve male age progression.
Daymon suggested posting from this comic, by the artist who created Earthworm Jim. Ratfist stars a superhero who wears a rat costume. While on a dinner date and out of costume, he turns even rattier..
Doujinshi by Ayukisa (Dragon, Dog, Eagle, and Tiger Transformations)
Daymon has tracked down several transformation-filled doujinshi (amateur comics) by a Japanese artist named Ayukisa. They are in the bara genre--gay manga that's written and drawn by men and features masculine male characters (as opposed to female-written yaoi and its effeminate guys). For that reason, they are not safe for work. The links below will take you to the complete comics.
* Dragon Hunt 2 (guess what animal the hero turns into...)
* Inu man (Dog TF)
* Secret Squadron San Kakurenja 2 (Eagle and Tiger TF)
* Dragon Hunt 2 (guess what animal the hero turns into...)
* Inu man (Dog TF)
* Secret Squadron San Kakurenja 2 (Eagle and Tiger TF)
Monday, August 17, 2015
Astro Fighter Sunred (Wolf Transformations)
This unusual anime (on second thought, that phrase is redudant) was suggested by Daymon, who also supplied the links. Hellwolf is "a stuffed wolf plush who can't speak properly and transforms into a monstrous wolf in full moon." That's all I know, and I can't tell you the episode titles either. The first video is from the YouTube account of TFFurryMaster, who used to post excellent TF videos and is sorely missed:
Here's a second wolf-out. I decided not to label these werewolf transformations, since the character is already a wolf...
Here's a second wolf-out. I decided not to label these werewolf transformations, since the character is already a wolf...
G.I. Joe (Orca and Wolf Transformations)
This is a famous transformation, but I think Daymon is right to recommend posting it anyway.
It's from the season 2, episode 15 of the original G.I. Joe cartoon, titled "Iceberg Goes South."
Cobra ("a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world!") is creating beast-men in the arctic, and Iceberg, one of the Joes, gets captured and transformed into a killer whale. I'm old enough to remember watching this episode when it first aired; this was one of the first transformation scenes to make a big impression on me as a child.
Every time I try to embed the same video multiple times and with different cues, Youtube keeps fucking up the cues, so I'll have to give you cued links to the next scenes. So here's Iceberg's reversion to humanity. Lastly, here's one of Cobra's human-animal hybrid soldiers reverting from wolfman to plain man.
EDIT: Every available video of this episode seems to be severely cropped. I'm going to look for DVD-quality source material and will re-present this episode in a future update.
It's from the season 2, episode 15 of the original G.I. Joe cartoon, titled "Iceberg Goes South."
Cobra ("a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world!") is creating beast-men in the arctic, and Iceberg, one of the Joes, gets captured and transformed into a killer whale. I'm old enough to remember watching this episode when it first aired; this was one of the first transformation scenes to make a big impression on me as a child.
Every time I try to embed the same video multiple times and with different cues, Youtube keeps fucking up the cues, so I'll have to give you cued links to the next scenes. So here's Iceberg's reversion to humanity. Lastly, here's one of Cobra's human-animal hybrid soldiers reverting from wolfman to plain man.
EDIT: Every available video of this episode seems to be severely cropped. I'm going to look for DVD-quality source material and will re-present this episode in a future update.
Cowa! (Koala Transformation)
Thanks to Daymon for suggesting this manga by Akira Toriyama, which features a child vampire who is also a were-koala (repeat after me: only in Japan).
The first and best transformation begins here (there's a very quick one later on).
The first and best transformation begins here (there's a very quick one later on).
One Piece (Transgender Transformation)
Thanks to Elrey from the Process forum for suggesting this transgender scene from episode 448 of One Piece:
And if you like female transformation videos, be sure to check out the other videos on his account!
And if you like female transformation videos, be sure to check out the other videos on his account!
Friday, August 7, 2015
EDIT (8/16): While you wait for the update (which should be done by Tuesday evening), take a look at Dutchbull's site, which updated early (something I have yet to accomplish).
Sorry everyone, I'll have to postpone the update. I'll try for Aug. 17 instead. Family matters necessitate my leaving town for a few days. The good news is that the next update will be even better than the last one!
Sorry everyone, I'll have to postpone the update. I'll try for Aug. 17 instead. Family matters necessitate my leaving town for a few days. The good news is that the next update will be even better than the last one!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Update and Extras
The update is complete! Enjoy all the goodies, and please give your thanks to all the people who've contributed to the blog with their suggestions. I still have a few more of those to catch up on. The next update will be around August 9, and I think it will be a pretty good.
A couple of extras...Far23 managed to uncover the comic strips used to depict the werewolf transformation scenes in the video game MacGuffin's Curse, as seen here, here, and here.
And for those who couldn't get enough of the first two installments, here's the latest episode of Furry Force. Just remember that "Yiffing does not come without consequences..."
A couple of extras...Far23 managed to uncover the comic strips used to depict the werewolf transformation scenes in the video game MacGuffin's Curse, as seen here, here, and here.
And for those who couldn't get enough of the first two installments, here's the latest episode of Furry Force. Just remember that "Yiffing does not come without consequences..."
Area D - Inou Ryouiki (Beast-Monster Transformations)
This transformation-filled manga is another of Daymon's discoveries. I initially planned to post individual images, but the following method might be easier for readers.
The highlight involves two character who transform while fighting each other. Initially they turn into hairy, muscled beat men, but then grow larger and more feral, with one becoming a sort of demonic bull while the is basically a werewolf.
The transformations start in chapter 52, and in the following link all the images from the chapter are displayed on the same page, so you can scroll downward to see the characters start off as human and grow beastlier.
In the next chapter they turn more feral. Scroll past the first three pages to see the second stage of the transformations begin. You can stop reading after page 15.
In ch.55 they turn a little more demonic. From now on the links will provide only one image per page. Start here and click through to page 18. You can stop there.
The transformations resume at the end of ch.66. One of the beasts has reverted to human form, but the other beast makes him transform again. Start here and read to the end of the chapter.
The transformations continue into the next chapter, until both character have reverted by page 6. You can stop there.
The bull dude transforms for the last time in chapter 70. You can start here and stop after page 10.
After that the story goes in a different direction. But there are two other bits of interest.
In ch. 44 there's also a quick monster transformation (you can stop after page 11).
Vanzily also discovered a lizard transformation in chapter 90, which starts here and extends to page 12. Thanks to him and Daymon--if anyone transformations in the later chapters, please drop me a line.
The highlight involves two character who transform while fighting each other. Initially they turn into hairy, muscled beat men, but then grow larger and more feral, with one becoming a sort of demonic bull while the is basically a werewolf.
The transformations start in chapter 52, and in the following link all the images from the chapter are displayed on the same page, so you can scroll downward to see the characters start off as human and grow beastlier.
In the next chapter they turn more feral. Scroll past the first three pages to see the second stage of the transformations begin. You can stop reading after page 15.
In ch.55 they turn a little more demonic. From now on the links will provide only one image per page. Start here and click through to page 18. You can stop there.
The transformations resume at the end of ch.66. One of the beasts has reverted to human form, but the other beast makes him transform again. Start here and read to the end of the chapter.
The transformations continue into the next chapter, until both character have reverted by page 6. You can stop there.
The bull dude transforms for the last time in chapter 70. You can start here and stop after page 10.
After that the story goes in a different direction. But there are two other bits of interest.
In ch. 44 there's also a quick monster transformation (you can stop after page 11).
Vanzily also discovered a lizard transformation in chapter 90, which starts here and extends to page 12. Thanks to him and Daymon--if anyone transformations in the later chapters, please drop me a line.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Monster, Turtle, and Wolf Transformations)
Daymon suggested posting the following clip from episode 39 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon that aired from 2003-09. It shows several folks turning into demonic-looking monsters. (I had the video precisely cued, but embedding it made the clip start several seconds too early. Just watch and wait.)
This made me remember another transformation scene from that show. In the episode "Adventures in Turtle-Sitting," Donatello, the brainiest of the turtles, mutates into a mindless, hulking, turtle monster. I posted that clip several years ago, but since I've found a better quality video, I decided to delete the old post and place the video here:
I love how his muscles seem to bubble as they grow, and then burst through his belt and arm and leg bands. Sadly, we don't get to see the second phase of Don's mutation, where he grows a snout and long tail, but his final form is visible at the 08:58 mark
The 2003 TMNT series concluded with the movie Turtles Forever, which included a call-back to the wolf mutant named Rahzar:
This made me remember another transformation scene from that show. In the episode "Adventures in Turtle-Sitting," Donatello, the brainiest of the turtles, mutates into a mindless, hulking, turtle monster. I posted that clip several years ago, but since I've found a better quality video, I decided to delete the old post and place the video here:
I love how his muscles seem to bubble as they grow, and then burst through his belt and arm and leg bands. Sadly, we don't get to see the second phase of Don's mutation, where he grows a snout and long tail, but his final form is visible at the 08:58 mark
The 2003 TMNT series concluded with the movie Turtles Forever, which included a call-back to the wolf mutant named Rahzar:
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Blood C, Sword Art Online, and Kurozakuro (Monster, Transgender, and Ogre Transformations)
All of the following items were discovered by Daymon--so please thank him rather than me!
We'll start with a demon TF from episode 12 of Blood-C. Funimation won't let me embed the clip, so here's a cued link.
Next we have a transgender (or rather transsexual?) shift from episode 17 of Sword Art Online:
The final items are from a manga titled Kurozakuro and involve character turning into what are called "ogres," though they look more animalistic than humanoid to me. The first change begins here, while the second starts on this page. Daymon thinks there are more transformations in this manga, so if you find some, let us know! Thanks again Daymon.
Update: Vanzily has found a couple more ogre transformations in chapter 46 (which continues into the next chapter) and in chapter 52.
We'll start with a demon TF from episode 12 of Blood-C. Funimation won't let me embed the clip, so here's a cued link.
Next we have a transgender (or rather transsexual?) shift from episode 17 of Sword Art Online:
The final items are from a manga titled Kurozakuro and involve character turning into what are called "ogres," though they look more animalistic than humanoid to me. The first change begins here, while the second starts on this page. Daymon thinks there are more transformations in this manga, so if you find some, let us know! Thanks again Daymon.
Update: Vanzily has found a couple more ogre transformations in chapter 46 (which continues into the next chapter) and in chapter 52.
Dragonball Super (Monster Transformaton)
Thanks to Aaron for finding a transformation in the new Dragonball series. It involves a medium-size yellow monster turning into a big red monster. As Aaron writes, "season 1 episode 2 and already a good TF scene. Here's to a promising series!"
Dragonball Super Monster Transformation Scene by kumaguma1
Dragonball Super Monster Transformation Scene by kumaguma1
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Kaze no Stigma (Werewolf Transformation)
EDIT: While you wait for the second part of the update, take a look at the new material at Shadowlord Inc!
Hello gang! As promised, here's the Sunday update. I'm actually not finished updating yet, but the remaining items will have to wait untilMonday Wednesday night (sorry, Sunday was busy and Monday will be too). In the meantime, enjoy the four new posts, starting with this one...
The first new item comes from Daymon. It's a werewolf transformation, from episode 23 of a show called Kaze no Stigma. It's animated in a very loose and grotesque manner which I enjoyed, though Daymon had his doubts:
Hello gang! As promised, here's the Sunday update. I'm actually not finished updating yet, but the remaining items will have to wait until
The first new item comes from Daymon. It's a werewolf transformation, from episode 23 of a show called Kaze no Stigma. It's animated in a very loose and grotesque manner which I enjoyed, though Daymon had his doubts:
Inuyasha (Wolf, Minotaur, Demon Transformations)
I must thank Daymon yet again for suggesting several scenes from this popular anime.
In episode 20, a cuddly wolf demon named Royokan transforms into a more savage and feral form:
Inuyasha Royakan Transformation by kumaguma1
In episode 95, we see a character turn into a minotaur. Due to a bit of shared stupidity between youtube and blogger, none of my attempts to embed cued videos from this episode worked, so I have to give you cued links instead. Here's the TF scene. The character undergoes heavy muscle-growth later on in the same episode.
Inuyasha Minotaur Transformation Scene by kumaguma1
Inuyasha Minotaur Muscle Growth Scene by kumaguma1
Lastly, a character turns into a classically Japanese demon in episode 85. Youtube fucked up the cue here as well, but only by 10 seconds:
Inuyasha Oni Transformation by kumaguma1
In episode 20, a cuddly wolf demon named Royokan transforms into a more savage and feral form:
Inuyasha Royakan Transformation by kumaguma1
In episode 95, we see a character turn into a minotaur. Due to a bit of shared stupidity between youtube and blogger, none of my attempts to embed cued videos from this episode worked, so I have to give you cued links instead. Here's the TF scene. The character undergoes heavy muscle-growth later on in the same episode.
Inuyasha Minotaur Transformation Scene by kumaguma1
Inuyasha Minotaur Muscle Growth Scene by kumaguma1
Lastly, a character turns into a classically Japanese demon in episode 85. Youtube fucked up the cue here as well, but only by 10 seconds:
Inuyasha Oni Transformation by kumaguma1
Werewolf The Apocalypse: The Heart of Gaia (Werewolf Transformation)
Thanks to Daymon for suggesting this video. This scene, dating from 1999, was one of several cinematics created for a video game that was never completed because its publisher went out of business. The transformation scene was storyboarded with care and would have become a classic, had it not been let down by primitive, plastic-looking computer animation.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Magi: Labryrinth of Magic (Monster/Demon Transformation)
Thanks to Aaron for pointing out this demon transformation from episode 15.
Scroll to the 21:12 mark:
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Update complete! In addition to the four items added on Tuesday, I've included two new posts and added a video to the One Piece post. Thanks again to everyone who sent in suggestions. I didn't get around to posting all of them, but I'll try for next time. I'm extremely happy at the level of participation shown by my readers. The next update will be around July 19.
Partial update time! Four new items are below. But wait, there will be more! I'll be adding a few three more items and they should be up by Wednesday Thursday (sorry guys, but I'm wiped out). So check back then.
Fairy Tail 2014 (Jackal Transformation)
Many thanks to Aaron for notifying me of a transformation scene from episode 62. A villain named Jackal transforms into a werewolfy version of his namesake:
Fairy Tail Jackal Transformation by kumaguma1
Thanks again Aaron--you were right about the hot shirt-ripping!
EDIT: New video source uploaded by Daymon.
Fairy Tail Jackal Transformation by kumaguma1
Thanks again Aaron--you were right about the hot shirt-ripping!
EDIT: New video source uploaded by Daymon.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
One Piece (Monster Transformation)
Almost all of the many transformation scenes from this off-beat anime (which primarily involve a reindeer/human hybrid named Tony Tony Chopper) can be seen at Shadowlord Inc. (here are links for the original show, the third movie, the fourth movie, and the fifth). But Daymon has found a clip from episode 290 that's not yet on the site, so give him a hand.
EDIT: Daymon has also alerted me to a wolfman transformation in episode 286:
EDIT: Daymon has also alerted me to a wolfman transformation in episode 286:
X-Men Evolution (Beast/Monster Transformation)
I have to thank Daymon yet again for suggesting Beast's transformation scene from the X-Men cartoon:
X-Men Evoultion Beast Transformation by kumaguma1
P.S. I recently updated my other Beast post with a link sent by Lifer.
X-Men Evoultion Beast Transformation by kumaguma1
P.S. I recently updated my other Beast post with a link sent by Lifer.
High Moon (Werewolf Transformations)
Thanks to Lifer for alerting me to the fact that the first chapters of this webcomic about werewolves in the wild west can be freely read online. Those who don't want to read through the entire saga should know that the werewolf transformations start in part 5 (6 pages in).
The entire collected series is available for purchase online at a very low price. The last chapter includes this demonic transformation:

Friday, June 12, 2015
Avengers Assemble (Bear Transformation)
As promised, here's the (slightly delayed) update! I will be updating more often, so instead of dumping 15 items every two months I'll upload two or three every couple of weeks (so expect the next update around Monday, June 29). All three items in this update were suggested or sent in by readers, and I'm still working on several other suggestions. I'm incredibly pleased that many readers have become contributors to this blog.
An example is the clip below, which was sent to me ready-made by two longtime readers, Kwipper and Makaio. It's from Avengers Assemble, season 2, episode 18 ("Secret Avengers") and features Ursa Major, whose power involves living up to his name. As you can see, the initial transformation has been slowed and repeated, so viewers can take in the details. Footage of Ursa Major in action has also been included.
Bear Transformation (Ursa Major)
Thanks for your hard work gentlemen!
An example is the clip below, which was sent to me ready-made by two longtime readers, Kwipper and Makaio. It's from Avengers Assemble, season 2, episode 18 ("Secret Avengers") and features Ursa Major, whose power involves living up to his name. As you can see, the initial transformation has been slowed and repeated, so viewers can take in the details. Footage of Ursa Major in action has also been included.
Bear Transformation (Ursa Major)
Thanks for your hard work gentlemen!
Fairy Tale 2014 (Demon Transformation)
Reader Aaron informed me about episode 56 of this anime, which features several transformations, including a scene of the bad guy turning into a demon at 12:23:
Later on the hero has a quick age regression scene at 14:13. At 18:20 he and the bad guy revert to their normal forms.
Apparently this is the second anime based on the Fairy Tale manga--the first is said to have several transformation scenes as well. I'll have to do investigate, but in the meantime, thank you Aaron!
Later on the hero has a quick age regression scene at 14:13. At 18:20 he and the bad guy revert to their normal forms.
Apparently this is the second anime based on the Fairy Tale manga--the first is said to have several transformation scenes as well. I'll have to do investigate, but in the meantime, thank you Aaron!
Conan the Adventurer (Werewolf and Bat Transformations)
Reader Daymon suggested posting some of the many transformation scenes from the cartoon series Conan the Adventurer.
Clips used to be on Shadowlord Inc and Dragoniade will probably re-upload them in the near future, but in the meantime here's a taster of scenes from episode 52, "Thorns of Midnight." All of the clips have been cued.
First comes one of the best werewolf transformations from an 80s cartoon.
Thorns of Midnight
Second is a similarly well-done bat TF:
Thorns of Midnight
Lastly, two characters turned into ordinary wolves during an earlier episode transform back into human,s complete with magically-appearing clothes:
Thorns of Midnight
Thank you Daymon, for this neat blast from the past!
Clips used to be on Shadowlord Inc and Dragoniade will probably re-upload them in the near future, but in the meantime here's a taster of scenes from episode 52, "Thorns of Midnight." All of the clips have been cued.
First comes one of the best werewolf transformations from an 80s cartoon.
Thorns of Midnight
Second is a similarly well-done bat TF:
Thorns of Midnight
Lastly, two characters turned into ordinary wolves during an earlier episode transform back into human,s complete with magically-appearing clothes:
Thorns of Midnight
Thank you Daymon, for this neat blast from the past!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
It's update time! The new entries are below. This time around I was happily surprised by how many were suggested by the readers. Thank you! I also notice that the blog has now passed over one million page-views, so thanks once again! Enjoy the new material and please let me know if any links or videos fail to work. I'm off to bed.
Next update is scheduled forJune 3 June 12. As I've promised so many times in the past, I'll be trying to post smaller updates more regularly, such as every two weeks.
Next update is scheduled for
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts
The latest direct-to-video from DC is intended for children, whereas previous videos (like the terrible Justice League: War) were intended to 40 year-olds with minds of 14 year-olds. It's a very schizoid approach, especially since Batman: the Animated Series and the Justice League TV show equally appealled to kids and adults.
Anyway, Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts is decent kiddie-fare and also gives a large role to Man-Bat, who transforms from bat to human twice, with a man-to-bat shift in-between. I want to hug whoever story-boarded the transformations, because they're depicted plenty of detail, with no cheating. I've edited together the scenes in this occasionally choppy video:
Bat Transformations and Reversions by blackjack60
Anyway, Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts is decent kiddie-fare and also gives a large role to Man-Bat, who transforms from bat to human twice, with a man-to-bat shift in-between. I want to hug whoever story-boarded the transformations, because they're depicted plenty of detail, with no cheating. I've edited together the scenes in this occasionally choppy video:
Bat Transformations and Reversions by blackjack60
Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H (Hulk/Muscle Growth/Monster Transformations)
Episode 17 of this show's second season is titled "Banner Day," and as you can guess it shows the Hulk reverting to his human alter ego Bruce Banner--who transforms back into the Hulk near the end. I've combined the reversion and TF below:
Werewolf Round-Up 2
Though this update technically contains only 9 items, this mega-post has just as many within it. First, let's start with werewolves in amateur film-making.
A well-animated transformation:
The animator was also kind enough to provide a contact sheet:
A crowd-funding video with TF content:
A simple but very fun piece of animation:
Werewolf Transformation - Animation Assignment from Ana Paula Fogaça on Vimeo.
A talented slice of homemade live-action cinema:
The next three items are all suggestions from anonymous readers:
* The manga Ran to Haiiro no Sekai features a full wolf transformation starting here.
* My post on Chastity and Les Fugitifs de l'Ombre reminded a reader of a very quick transformation from episode 2 of the anime Magical Pokaan.
* Here's an amusing video about a world with no moon.
Some trailers for upcoming werewolf films: I know folks are excited about Howl, but the director has said the werewolves will transform over years, not overnight, which suggests we won't see anything more than partial transformations.
I'm more excited about Uncaged, which has a much lower budget but is more interested in classic werewolf transformations:
I'm just as excited about Tokyo Grand Guignol, a French horror anthology set in Tokyo. Look at the last shot and you'll get excited too!
This liquor commercial is a disappointment: the transformation goes off-camera way too soon:
Reader WolfieD suggested featuring some of the (NSFW) artwork commissioned for his Furaffinity account. I'm happy to oblige, since the art includes pieces I've favorited and series by Kuma and Mark Wulfgar (links are to the first pages of each). Wolfie is also a writer and his account has many stories (he recommends "The Slow Change", "Pleasure Cruise", "A Mirror," "The Fang" and "The Curse of Attwell Mansion").
This last item is sort-of werewolf related but too funny to pass up: after viewing this picture you'll never look at a certain monster the same way again.
A well-animated transformation:
The animator was also kind enough to provide a contact sheet:
A crowd-funding video with TF content:
A simple but very fun piece of animation:
Werewolf Transformation - Animation Assignment from Ana Paula Fogaça on Vimeo.
A talented slice of homemade live-action cinema:
The next three items are all suggestions from anonymous readers:
* The manga Ran to Haiiro no Sekai features a full wolf transformation starting here.
* My post on Chastity and Les Fugitifs de l'Ombre reminded a reader of a very quick transformation from episode 2 of the anime Magical Pokaan.
* Here's an amusing video about a world with no moon.
Some trailers for upcoming werewolf films: I know folks are excited about Howl, but the director has said the werewolves will transform over years, not overnight, which suggests we won't see anything more than partial transformations.
I'm more excited about Uncaged, which has a much lower budget but is more interested in classic werewolf transformations:
I'm just as excited about Tokyo Grand Guignol, a French horror anthology set in Tokyo. Look at the last shot and you'll get excited too!
This liquor commercial is a disappointment: the transformation goes off-camera way too soon:
Reader WolfieD suggested featuring some of the (NSFW) artwork commissioned for his Furaffinity account. I'm happy to oblige, since the art includes pieces I've favorited and series by Kuma and Mark Wulfgar (links are to the first pages of each). Wolfie is also a writer and his account has many stories (he recommends "The Slow Change", "Pleasure Cruise", "A Mirror," "The Fang" and "The Curse of Attwell Mansion").
This last item is sort-of werewolf related but too funny to pass up: after viewing this picture you'll never look at a certain monster the same way again.
Uncle Grandpa (Muscle Growth/Age Progression)
A reader named Awesome suggested posting this awesome clip from the cartoon Uncle Grandpa.
The deep voice is the icing on the beefcake!
The deep voice is the icing on the beefcake!
Kamen Rider Shin and a Body Horror Bonus (Monster/Insect Transformation)
I don't know anything about this aside from the fact that it's very well done and has more body horror than the usual Kamen Rider fare.
While we're on the topic of body horror, an anonymous reader suggested posting the music video for "Fantasy" by DyE. I've cued it to when the fun starts. Squeamish people probably shouldn't watch.
While we're on the topic of body horror, an anonymous reader suggested posting the music video for "Fantasy" by DyE. I've cued it to when the fun starts. Squeamish people probably shouldn't watch.
X-Men: First Class (Beast Transformation)
Back in 2012 a reader named Lifer suggested I post Beast's transformation scene from X-Men: First Class. I've taken a shamefully long time to fulfill that request, but better late than never, right?
To watch the scene in HD, click on this link and scroll to the 1:27:41 mark.
(I'm not going to try hosting a clip on my youtube or dailymotion accounts because it would just get taken down. There are a couple youtube videos of the scene but they use footage from the promotional film, not the actual feature.)
After you finish, you might be interested in the special effects breakdown of the scene, which shows how much work goes into good CGI:
EDIT: Lifer sent in a link to concept art depicting the start of Hank's transformation--see it here. Thanks Lifer!
To watch the scene in HD, click on this link and scroll to the 1:27:41 mark.
(I'm not going to try hosting a clip on my youtube or dailymotion accounts because it would just get taken down. There are a couple youtube videos of the scene but they use footage from the promotional film, not the actual feature.)
After you finish, you might be interested in the special effects breakdown of the scene, which shows how much work goes into good CGI:
EDIT: Lifer sent in a link to concept art depicting the start of Hank's transformation--see it here. Thanks Lifer!
Wolf Boy (Werewolf Transfomation)
An anonymous reader suggested posting "Wolf Boy," an animated music video for a Tasmanian band called The Phibes. As far as I know neither Dutch Bull or Dragoniade have featured it so I will, because the transformation is something of a classic.The animation consists of cleverly joined paper cut-outs, which have a charmingly homemade look:
The technique also has certain affinities with the animation in this short:
The technique also has certain affinities with the animation in this short:
Lives (Monster Transformations)
Back in January a reader named Notiro suggested featuring the manga Lives. The plot involves a "meteor which hits the earth and transports several people to another world where they start turning into monsters. Most of the transformations occur off-panel, but here's one that doesn't.
The same character later transforms into a more feral, fish-like state, starting here.
At the end the main character transforms as well. There's one page of the transformation starting here, followed by the rest of the TF.
The same character later transforms into a more feral, fish-like state, starting here.
At the end the main character transforms as well. There's one page of the transformation starting here, followed by the rest of the TF.
Monday, May 25, 2015
The update is proceeding on track, and a third of the items are ready for posting. My goal is to have everything up no later than Tuesday morning (PST). And this time I will be able to make my goal!
While you wait, please check out Dutch Bull's site, since he updated just last week. In equally exciting news, Dragoniade has been updating Shadowlord, Inc. and I'm delighted to see its collection grow even bigger. One of the new items was suggested for this blog by an anonymous reader back in October; I dropped the ball on that one but Dragoniade picked it up. Both sites have plenty of equally great or even better videos, so have a look.
P.S. I'm amused that two people clicked "No Thank You"!
While you wait, please check out Dutch Bull's site, since he updated just last week. In equally exciting news, Dragoniade has been updating Shadowlord, Inc. and I'm delighted to see its collection grow even bigger. One of the new items was suggested for this blog by an anonymous reader back in October; I dropped the ball on that one but Dragoniade picked it up. Both sites have plenty of equally great or even better videos, so have a look.
P.S. I'm amused that two people clicked "No Thank You"!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
It's update time! 20 new items have been added below. Blogspot is being stupid and won't show them all on this page, so make sure to click "Older posts."
In case anyone's interested, I still haven't figured out the title of that Italian comic, though I've been given some promising leads. Thanks to those who wrote in!
And thanks to everyone for their patience. The last time I took a long absence I was just burnt out. This time I had a genuine excuse: lots of work and a writing assignment I owed somebody.
I now have more free time, and I'd like to eventually start weekly or bi-weekly updates, perhaps a month from now. Until then, enjoy!
In case anyone's interested, I still haven't figured out the title of that Italian comic, though I've been given some promising leads. Thanks to those who wrote in!
And thanks to everyone for their patience. The last time I took a long absence I was just burnt out. This time I had a genuine excuse: lots of work and a writing assignment I owed somebody.
I now have more free time, and I'd like to eventually start weekly or bi-weekly updates, perhaps a month from now. Until then, enjoy!
HitoMoe Linkai (Cat, Snake, and Dog Transformations)
Thanks to Japan, we now have animal transformation hentai! HitoMoi Linkai contains over two-hundred pages of people turning into animals (or animals turning anthropomorphic) and getting it on. Most of the TFs involve females, but here are the dudes.
The scans are in Japanese and should be read right-to-left.
First, a man is seduced by a catwoman. Things get complicated when his wife arrives home:
Next, a man is swallowed by a snake and undergoes some non-digestive changes:
Here are two brief scenes of guys transforming after having made love to their dogs:
Finally, a look back with a brief recap TF:
The English version of this manga can be read here. Let's hope this is the beginning of a new sub-genre!
The scans are in Japanese and should be read right-to-left.
First, a man is seduced by a catwoman. Things get complicated when his wife arrives home:
Next, a man is swallowed by a snake and undergoes some non-digestive changes:
Here are two brief scenes of guys transforming after having made love to their dogs:
Finally, a look back with a brief recap TF:
The English version of this manga can be read here. Let's hope this is the beginning of a new sub-genre!
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